Cherry Grove Childcare Kindergartens
Children are 2 to 3 years of age.
Cherry Blossom are two kindergarten rooms that are opened up to be one classroom to enable children to play and explore together.
We aim to encourage and foster the development of empathy for others, friendship, kindness and taking responsibility. We provide a spontaneous daily programme that meets the children's diverse needs as well as supports individual and group interests. We offer messy play and art regularly throughout the week as well as play dough, sand and water play, blocks, cars and much more. Children have the freedom and space to run, ride bikes, climb hills in our large park like outdoors environment. Teachers strive to provide a positive learning environment to:
Kindergarten Room: Busy BeesChildren are from 3 years to 4 years of age.
Opportunities for children to learn and wonder about the wider world are extended in Busy Bees, where greater importance is placed on:
Busy Bees continue to learn through play by doing, interacting with kaiako and peers, devising theories, and exploring them through trial and error to learn more about the world around them. As they engage, their attitudes emerge and the way they interpret new experiences unfolds further which will influence their learning through life. Our Busy Bees are ready to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, and explorers wherever their wonder may take them. Kindergarten Room: Honey Bees Children are 4 years until they begin Primary School. As a ‘transition to school’ room, there is a greater importance placed on developing social competence and confidence through open-ended play experiences. The room is specifically designed for older, more experienced explorers. Honey Bees experience an environment where they are encouraged to:
The Honey Bees kindergarten room is full of nurturing, fun, and laughter as our tamariki work together to develop a range of skills and attributes, which we know from our strong relationships with all our local schools, that prepare them for a successful transition to the Primary School environment. |
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Our Address
95-101 Napier Road, Havelock North 4130, New Zealand Contact Us Phone: 02102963920 Email: [email protected] |